Milan JovanovićBuilding a Better MediatR Publisher With Channels (and why you shouldn’t)I’ve been meaning to write this article for a while now. This problem has been bugging me, and I finally found the time to address it.Feb 2213Feb 2213
Shalahuddin ShantoMastering the Fluent Builder Pattern in C#: From Basics to Advanced ScenariosThe Fluent Builder pattern is a powerful design pattern that enables the creation of complex objects through a more readable and…Dec 31, 20241483Dec 31, 20241483
InTowards DevbyShamStop Measuring Time Wrongly in .NET: The Right Way to Measure Execution TimeIntroductionJan 1991Jan 1991
InProgramming with C#byR M Shahidul Islam ShahedC# Features That Most 💻Developers Don’t KnowC# is a robust and feature-rich programming language that has continually evolved since its inception. With every new version, it…Dec 12, 20241335Dec 12, 20241335
Is It Vritra - SDE ISpan<T> and Memory<T> in C# 12 : Performance Booster for Senior DevelopersAs ASP.NET developers, we’re always looking for ways to make our web applications faster and more efficient. Two powerful tools that can…Nov 21, 20242943Nov 21, 20242943
InCodeXbyJustin MuenchBuilding a Real-Time Stock Market Bot with .NET and SignalR 📈💹With the power of SignalR in .NET, you can build real-time applications that deliver updates as they happen. A perfect use case is a stock…Nov 11, 2024241Nov 11, 2024241
Engr. Md. Hasan MonsurMastering Single Sign-On (SSO) with .NET, SQL Server, and Dapper: A Complete GuideUnlock the power of seamless user authentication with our comprehensive guide on mastering Single Sign-On (SSO) using .NET, SQL Server…Oct 4, 2024721Oct 4, 2024721
Deniz Can YükselFactory Pattern using keyed services in C#The Factory Pattern is one of the most commonly used creation design patterns in C#.Oct 14, 202491Oct 14, 202491
Anderson GodoyHow to Obfuscate IDs in C# .NET 8 Using GUID v7, Advanced Encryption, and Azure Key Vault.Protecting user data is essential in modern application development. Obfuscating IDs when interacting with the database is an effective…Oct 17, 2024351Oct 17, 2024351
Serhat AlaftekinEvent-Driven Architecture with .NET 8, RabbitMQ, and MassTransit Using Clean ArchitectureLearn how to build a scalable and maintainable event-driven system using modern .NET technologiesOct 10, 202419Oct 10, 202419
In.Net ProgrammingbyTural SuleymaniReal-World Expression Trees: Dynamic Filtering in C# with Minimal APIIn our previous tutorial, we discussed key points of expression trees, use cases, and limitations. Any topic without a practical example…Oct 6, 2024132Oct 6, 2024132
Engr. Md. Hasan MonsurEasly Generate QR Code using .NETA QR code (Quick Response code) is a two-dimensional barcode that can store information in a way that is easily readable by devices like…Sep 21, 202410Sep 21, 202410
WassengerSend automated messages on WhatsApp using C# (.NET)For developers and companies, efficient communication is crucial. Automate your WhatsApp messages using Wassenger and C# to streamline…May 21, 20241451May 21, 20241451
Michael MauriceBuilding a Database Schema for Workflow Automation with .NET 8 and Entity FrameworkWhat if You Could Manage Every Workflow in a Single System?Oct 13, 202425Oct 13, 202425
Vara Prasad ReddyAzure YAML Pipeline with multiple Stages & Approvals to deploy React App to Azure WebappIn this article I’ll walk you through the deployment process on how to deploy a React App to Azure Webapp using Azure YAML Pipeline with…Jun 18, 202423Jun 18, 202423
Engr. Md. Hasan MonsurNGINX Dynamic API Gateway using .NETYes, you can use a database to store the upstream configurations, which allows for dynamic management of routing and other settings in…Sep 27, 202457Sep 27, 202457
Engr. Md. Hasan MonsurBuilding an Event-Driven Architecture in .NET with RabbitMQ: A Complete GuideEvent-Driven Architecture (EDA) is a design paradigm in which components of the system communicate through events. In an EDA system…Sep 18, 202431Sep 18, 202431
Ludmal De SilvaEvent-Driven Microservices Architecture with .NETMicroservices have gained immense popularity due to their scalability, flexibility, and alignment with modern distributed systems. One of…Sep 6, 2024591Sep 6, 2024591
InLevel Up CodingbyTural HasanovPermission-Based Authentication and Authorization in .NET, throughCookiesIn the realm of web application security, ensuring that users have the correct permissions to access various resources and perform…Jul 26, 202478Jul 26, 202478